Monday, April 6, 2009

Counting Blessings

I know that a lot of people would not be open with what I am about to be open about. I have decided that I am going to count my blessings because I have had many the last two days.

As you know, I have been stressing about finding a job so that I can cover a few bills, my cell phone, car insurance, and then the final bills I need to take care of from Missouri. I knew that I needed to talk to someone about what I have been through and the feelings that I have been experiencing (a MAJOR roller coaster ride) and I also was worried about having clothing for interviews, jobs, and just life. I literally brought only one pair of jeans with me, 2 pairs of dress pants, 5 shirts and 2 dresses. When packing for 5 in a 2005 Chevrolet cavalier, you pack light as a mom.

Yesterday between the two sessions of conference, my bishop called. He talked about being willing to help cover the cell phone bill (my only phone), the car insurance, any food assistance that is needed, counseling and clothing for job interviews etc. I talked to him about not knowing whether or not to return to school and he said that he would ponder on that with me and set up an appointment to meet to counsel about it. Every single temporal need I prayed about has had a solution offered. I was really stunned because well, I try to do things myself, and I refuse to turn to the state unless I am very very desperate. And even then, I would try to avoid it.

I am thankful to Chuck also for the opportunity to work with him for the Cape Fair Cryer's advertising department. He also has offered to let me fulfill one of my dreams and write a column for the paper. I used to want to write advice columns, like Dear Abby, but now I think that writing about current events or principles of liberty would be very fulfilling.

I was also offered some possible jobs from Tracy, whom I just met at the liberty minded meeting the other night at Denny's. Which, I forgot to mention the fact that I left without paying for my drink. I got all the way back home and realized I was in such a rush that I did not pay, and I raced back feeling like an idiot.. LOL. They were very kind to me and said it was alright. (Thank goodness)

I have had many people suggest that I go back to school and get my teaching certificate. I recall over 6 years ago meeting with one of my favorite teachers at Alpine Life and Learning Center, and he telling me that I am destined to be a teacher, that he can see it in me. I had asked him to write a referral at the time for a degree to be a surgical technician. His words have come back to me over and over again, and I think that he may be right. I just don't know if I will be a traditional teacher. I love the private schools, especially those that focus on Christian principles and the principles of liberty.

I also have an interest in Archeology, and projects like Beit-Lehi really interest me. I could participate in this just through Kimber Academy without getting a degree in archeology too. If nothing else, I can at least enjoy these things right a long with my children.

I posted a new article on today. It has been a long time since I have written an article, but it felt good to do something normal again. I am thankful for Brian and Jeremy that make it possible for me to do that.

I have also been blessed by great friends on They have been a great support right now, and have helped keep my spirits up.

I am thankful for the many friends in Springfield, Missouri that immediately jumped in to offer comfort, funds, and whatever it took to get me to Utah. And I am very thankful for all the ward members that have packed up my home, sold things for me, and have been there to hug me and talk to me as I was first going through the shock of everything.

Although the trails that I face have been difficult from time to time, I also can see the hand of the Lord moving through others to assist me and my children. I have great hopes that the future will be better, that we will be blessed for having made it through yet another refiner's fire.

And just so you know, I am thankful for you. And all that you do. To those who have been praying for my family, or keeping us in your thoughts, sending emails, text messages, tweets, and the many different things that even strangers have done. Thank you so much!

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