Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Jonny Diaz- "A More Beautiful You"

You are beautiful just as you are. Forget what magazines and the world tell you that you should be. Look within yourself and see yourself as God sees you. He loves you, and he sent His Only Begotten Son to die for you because He loves you so much. No matter what mistakes you have made, you can always come back to Him, he stands with His arms wide open.

Christ has told us that he stands at the door and knocks, we just need to let Him in. Do not let the world tell you that you are not worthy, that you need to be any different then you are. God made you, His perfect creation for His purpose. You have your own mission to fulfill, seek Him and discover what His will for you is.

The Featured video is Jonny Diaz singing his song 'A More Beautiful You'. I believe that so much can be said through music and images, and this video is perfect for today's message. Please share this message with all the women in your life.

You can learn more about Jonny Diaz on his official site. According to AC indicators, A More Beautiful You hit #1. (You can read about it in Jonny Diaz's blog). He states, "I am blown away by how God is choosing to use this song. I honestly wrote it just intending to play it for youth groups. I knew the message in this song was an important one, but I don’t think I ever realized how needed it really is."

With all the contact that I have with youth, I could definitely tell Jonny Diaz that this song is needed, and that personally, I wish that it was the message that women have been hearing for generations rather then the messages that they have been hearing through many forms of media.

My hat goes off to Jonny Diaz and his song "A More Beautiful You". It deserves to be #1, because the message is a message of truth, and what every woman (young and not so young) needs to hear today. Charity Angel's Thoughts

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