Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Greatest of Thanksgiving| The Fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

There are many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, and each day I have been posting what I am thankful for on my Facebook, but above all of the blessings that I am thankful for, I am thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the hope and liberty that it brings to me, and all those who exercise faith, even a particle of faith, and believe.

These days, there are many that speak of Jesus Christ as a fable, a story. One of the greatest blessings that I have today, is a testimony of Jesus Christ, His divinity, His mission, and the reality that He does exist and that I have been blessed to have a personal relationship with Him. Through many trials, afflictions and heartache, He has always been there, to guide and direct, through the Holy Ghost. If I did not have this great blessing, I would be lost, and find myself full of fear in these perilous times, but there is a guide, a well lit path that has already been cleared for us. While we will not have a life free from thistles, briers or thorns, we have the greatest of all gifts given to us, that enables us to repent and be forgiven.

Anyone who has tasted of the sweet fruits of repentance and forgiveness cannot deny the power of the gift of the atonement that our Savior Jesus Christ wrought on our behalf. This is the season of thankfulness and gratitude, let us remember those things that bring us eternal joy, and show our thanks and gratitude, by living like we believe.

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