Thursday, June 25, 2009

The 28 Principles of Liberty -Principle #6

The 28 Principles of Liberty

Principle #6

All Men Are Created Equal

When we read the statement “All Mankind are Created Equal”, what do we think that it means? We know that we are all born into different lifestyles, have different talents and abilities, and different opportunities, so what did the Founder’s mean by that statement? There are only three ways that mankind can be equal, and they are to be treated as equals in the sight of God, in the sight of the law, and in the protection of their rights. Some people, like Jean Jacques Rousseau, get a little confused and think that this means that men should be equal in all things. John Adam’s called this type of thinking a “gross fraud”.

While our country has not had a perfect history in defending the rights of all, that is what the Founder’s intended. The breakdown really occurs with minorities. Minorities in any country feel like they are the outsiders and they want to be the insiders. What is interesting about America is that every group in this nation was once a minority. After the major influx of immigrants to the U.S., it was only two or three generations before the immigrants became first-class citizens.

After the Constitution was adopted in 1789, there were four amendments added to make sure that everyone could enjoy equal rights. These were the thirteenth, the fourteenth, the fifteenth, and the Nineteenth.

The Founders distinguished between equal rights and they recognized that society should seek to provide equal opportunities but not expect equal results, provide for equal rights, but not equal things; provide equal protection but not equal status; provide equal education opportunities but not equal grades. The founder’s believed that the moment that we tried to force people to have everything equally would be the moment that we lose our liberty.

This article was adapted by Charity Angel from W. Cleon Skousen’s book “The 5000 Year Leap”. (The same book recommended by Glenn Beck).

This series can also be found at, The Free-Patriot Press, and printed in the Cape Fair Missouri Newspaper.

More on Glenn Beck:

Glenn Beck's request "The first thing you could do, please, is get the 5,000 Year Leap. Over my book or anything else, get the 5,000 Year Leap."

  • It's the book Ronald Reagan wanted taught in high schools and Ted Kennedy stopped it from happening.
  • When you read these principles, your mouth will fall open. You'll read it and you'll be -- the scales will fall off your eyes on who we are.
  • You'll be able to know what makes it possible for 6% of humanity living under our free economy to produce 1/2 of the Earth's developed wealth every single year.
  • It's the virtues and the principles that our founders believed in, that took us and pushed us and made us -- allowed us to take a 5,000 year leap from the dark into the sunshine.
  • Help those people who have been deceived or misinformed find the truth.

Glenn Beck Recommends this Book! Best Book About the US Constitution


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